Trash Bag Cinch
We've been selling the Trash Bag Cinch
Products for years in the Janitorial Supply markets.
However because it’s so inexpensive, and it is the only
item we have specifically for that market, we've only scratched the surface of the potential
market sales.
We have sold millions of these in that market, but the potential is
easily in the Hundreds of millions.
Janitorial and Sanitary Supply (Jan/San) Distributors love the product
as a promotional item to leave with their customers because they instantly recognize the problem it solves and it
provides them with an inexpensive way to solicit new customers and leave something behind to remember them (as a
problem solver).
But the market is much larger than that. Virtually everyone who uses
trash bags in their kitchen at home knows all too well the mess and hassle that occurs from trash bags that refuse
to stay in place in the garbage can (“Trash Bag Cave-ins” is what we call the nasty problem).
It’s something everyone can relate to.
Your clients will remember and thank you every time they change their
liner for saving them from the hassle (saving them time and money too – because they can make any trash bag
fit their can in seconds and take advantage of value bag opportunities)!
The Trash Bag Cinch™ sticks permanently to the can, so it will be seen for many
years to come.